Porcelain Sculptures for Blackberry Farm Design

Haran Schwall recently created 16 porcelain sculptures for Blackberry Farm Design, an extremely high end luxury resort in Maryville, TN. Harlan created a single porcelain bird feather with gold for each of their 16 Holly Glade suites. The birds are all indigenous to Tennessee area.

Welcome John Halliday to Central

John began watercolor painting while traveling through Asia during graduate school. Transitioning from the forgiving chalk pastels as a primary medium took time and patience. This process resulted in John developing a loose and distinct style that he continues to refine. John has worn many hats in his work career, including being a nurse, designer, teacher, and ultimately a full time artist. He loves partnering with students of all ages as they explore and discover within the creative process. The greatest thing in the world is the freedom I feel as I paint. Free to explore, free to create, free to express.