Central Arts Collective Featured on WKRG 5

In tonight’s What’s Working, dozens of artists have found a creative place to work under one roof. They are part of the Central Arts Collective in midtown Mobile. The Collective is located in the classroom space at Central Presbyterian Church on Dauphin Street.

There are 28 artists, both new and veteran, occupying the back of the church building. These artists are in addition to the Central Food Pantry, Family Promise, and other ministries. The church decided to get creative to find artists to occupy their empty space. Artist, Ardith Goodwin, was one of the original artists to set up shop. Her creative paintings are truly phenomenal. This self-taught artist spends hours working on her whimsical pieces.

“We have grown this Collective into such a community presence, and I am grateful to be here,” Goodwin said.

Just down the hall, you will find artists Rennee Wallace and Janie Brown. They use recycled materials to create pieces like manger scenes. She showed WKRG some of her works using hurricane wood debris. She loves the camaraderie of having so many artists under one roof.

Full article: WKRG.com